How is battery life after updating to iOS 9?

BY Gautam Prabhu

Published 17 Sep 2015

iOS 9 - iPhone and iPad - Battery

Apple released iOS 9, its next-generation mobile operating system for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch yesterday. iOS 9 includes lots of new and hidden features such as Proactive Assistantrevamped Notes app, all-new News app, Transit directions in Maps, and also under-the-hood optimizations, as well as battery life improvements with the new Low Power mode.

So we wanted to know how is battery life on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch after upgrading to iOS 9?

Based on the Wi-Fi battery life test carried out by folks at ArsTechnica, there hasn’t been a major impact on battery life after upgrading to iOS 9. A few see noticeable improvements, particularly the iPhone 6 Plus.

As you can see in the chart below, if you exclude the iPhone 6 Plus, there have been small gains and very few losses across iOS devices, which could be considered to be within the margin of error. A little disappointing when you consider Apple’s claim that iOS 9 will extend battery life by an additional hour. But at least it hasn’t got worse.

iPhone battery life chart in iOS 9

iPad battery life chart in iOS 9

I’ve also seen far fewer complaints from readers about battery draining more quickly after updating to iOS 9, compared to iOS 8.

If you’ve updated your device to iOS 9, please take this poll below and let us know what has been your experience, and please feel free to leave a comment if you like to elaborate.

Check our article for tips on how to fix battery life problems in iOS 9.