How to fix app icons disappearing issue with TaiG iOS 8.3 Jailbreak

BY Andy

Published 28 Jun 2015

UIKit - Tools 1.1.10 Update

If you’ve jailbroken your device using TaiG 2.0.0, or TaiG 2.1.2 jailbreak tool then you should install the UIKit Tools 1.1.10 update to avoid hitting the app icons disappearing issue.

After jailbreaking their iPhone or iPad on iOS 8.3 using TaiG 2.0.0 or TaiG 2.1.2, a number of users have reported that the app icons on their Home screen disappear.

As saurik has explained in a long reddit thread, even though TaiG had used a workaround to fix the icons disappearing issue in TaiG 2.1.2, there were still some cases where users could hit the issue.

what TaiG did is to “wrap” my uicache with their own tool that used a risky feature of Substrate that I don’t expose as ABI (and believe I designed the TUI for poorly, by the way) to inject code into installd that seems to replicate a ton of the application scanning logic “just so” in order to make it work… but that only was possible if SpringBoard scanned the icons because of uicache. If there was any other reason SpringBoard scanned the icons (maybe due to someone deleting the icon cache) then SpringBoard would lose icons.

After releasing a beta version to test the fix, saurik has just released UIKit Tools 1.1.0, which now supports iOS 8.3, and also fixes the issue with the TaiG jailbreak where sometimes all the app icons would disappear.

So if you’re facing the app icons disappearing issue, or want to avoid hitting it in the future, then install the UIKit Tools update from Cydia immediately. When you launch Cydia or refresh it, you should get an “Essential upgrade” popup. Tap on Complete Upgrade to install the update.

TaiG 8.1.3-8.x Untether package

saurik has also announced that since the jailbreak seems “stable enough”, developers who want to sell apps on Cydia are now allowed to mark products as iOS 8.3 compatible, so that users can buy them.

Let us know how it goes.