Don’t like stock iOS 7 icons? Here’s how to replace them with iOS 6 icons

BY Cody

Published 30 Dec 2013

If you were one of those users who didn’t like the stock iOS 7 icons, then you’re in luck as pw5a29 has created an iOS 6 theme for iOS 7 just for you.

Keep in mind that this theme is only to change the stock icons on iOS 7, there’s no in-app theming, so when you open up an app you still have that iOS 7 look and feel.

Once you install the theme from Cydia, it will install Winterboard if you don’t already have it installed.  If your device has to reboot, then remember that you may have to reinstall Mobile Substrate and Substrate Safe Mode, more on that here. Once you do that, all your tweaks will work properly again.

ios61 ios62

After that, just head over to Winterboard and enable the” iOS 6 Theme (iOS 7)” theme and tap “respring” and you’ll be sent back in time to the look of iOS 6.

Here’s a video walkthrough:

For me, I’m a bigger fan of the iOS 7 look, but what do you guys think? Let me know in the comments below!