iPhone 14 Pro Camera Issue and iOS 16 Copy-Paste Prompt Fix Coming Next Week

BY Sriansh

Published 20 Sep 2022

Apple has now confirmed that it will release a new software update next week to fix iPhone 14 Pro camera issue in third-party apps and the issue with iOS 16 copy and paste prompts.

It’s been just a few days since iOS 16 and iPhone 14 Pro have made it to the hands of the consumers. However, both of them have been plagued with several issues. Yesterday, we learned that iPhone 14 Pro users are facing a camera issue wherein the lens uncontrollably shakes when using third-party apps. 

While the Apple Camera app works as expected, the lens starts to shake when using the camera in third-party apps like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat. It appears to be an issue with the firmware controlling the optical image stabilization system of the camera lenses. 

On the other hand, iOS 16 users have been reporting an issue wherein the copy and paste prompt appears quite excessively. Apple has now confirmed that this is “not expected behavior,” and it plans to address both of the issues in a software update that will be released next week. 

Additionally, the same software update will fix an issue causing some iPhone 14 Pro models to freeze after transferring data. Overall, this means that at least three major bug fixes will be included in the software update.

While Apple did not provide any more information, it’s likely that the fix will be included in the iOS 16.0.2 update. We will make sure to update this page as and when the new software version is released. Until then, tell us about your experience with iOS 16 and/or iPhone 14 Pro. Drop a comment down below and let us know!

Source: The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg