Upcoming Leap Motion hack will bring cool gesture controls to iPhone and iPad

BY Killian Bell

Published 23 Mar 2015


Leap Motion, the tiny box that brings motion controls to Macs and PCs, can be made to work with iOS, too. In the video below, developer Elias Limneos demonstrates how the device can enable cool, hands-free gesture controls on an iPhone, like the ability to turn over your hand to put your phone to sleep.

Limneos, who has developed a number of popular tweaks for jailbroken iOS devices — including BioProtect, SBRotator, and CameraWallpaper — explains that the hack works by using “a simple tcp connection used with the sample objc-c from leap motion.”

Once the device is communicating with an iPhone or iPad, it is able to detect the gestures you make in mid-air and translate those into touches. As Limneos demonstrates below, gestures can be used to unlock a device, make simple taps and swipes, and even to use multitouch input with two fingers.

Pretty cool, right? Limneos hasn’t said what he plans to do with this yet, but hopefully he’ll create a simple tweak for jailbroken iOS devices that makes it easy for other users to connect their Leap Motion controllers and interact with their iPhones and iPads in the same way.

While it may seem gimmicky, this kind of functionality could be incredibly useful — not only for simple things like controlling iOS devices at a desk without leaning over to touch them, but also to provide hands-free controls for users who are unable to interact with tiny touchscreens.

[via Twitter]