Pangu Team: iOS 9.2 – iOS 9.3.3 Jailbreak Tool ‘Coming Soon’ [Update: Released]

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 24 Jul 2016

Pangu jailbreak

The Pangu jailbreak team have just updated their website teasing a jailbreak tool release for iOS 9.2 and iOS 9.3. Interestingly, the website’s tagline — “Jailbreak, or not jailbreak, that is NOT a question any more” —  suggests that we are looking at something completely new, and that this is likely not just a new jailbreak process from the team.

The website does not hint at when the tool in question will go live except for stating that its “Coming soon”. It also states that the tool will be compatible with 64-bit devices running iOS 9.2 and 9.3 and recommends everyone to make a full backup of their phone before jailbreaking it.

Earlier this month, the Pangu team had demoed a jailbreak for iOS 10, and it was rumored then that the team would soon be releasing a jailbreak tool for iOS 9.3.2

The latest version of iOS that can be jailbroken right now is iOS 9.1, which is pretty old. With the release of a jailbreak tool for iOS 9.2 – iOS 9.3.3, most iOS users who dabble with jailbreaking their devices should be covered until Apple releases iOS 10 in September.


Pangu Team has released Pangu Jailbreak Tool for iOS 9.3.3 – iOS 9.2. Check our posts for more details:

Thanks AWS for the tip!