How To Send A Message In Invisible Ink in iOS 10

BY Khamosh Pathak

Published 11 Sep 2016

ios 10 messages invisible ink featured

Ever wanted to send some a secret message? Like in those movies. The message would only be revealed when they put it under this certain light. Well, you can do a version of it in the Messages app in iOS 10. It’s called Invisible Ink.

When you send a message with Invisible Ink effect, they’ll see the outline of the photo or the text, but the content will be covered in this gooey, black and white dots. They’ll need to vigorously swipe on the message to reveal it. And once they stop swiping, the message will become invisible again.

invisible ink clearing ios 10 messages

How To Send A Message With Invisible Ink

Step 1: Open the Messages app and go to the conversation.

Tap on the “iMessage” field and type your message or the emoji. You can also tap the “right arrow” button to reveal the Camera icon to take a photo, or use the Digital Touch feature to create a doodle.

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Step 2: When you’re done creating the message, 3D Touch the blue “up” icon (press it with a bit of force). If your device doesn’t support 3D Touch, simply long press.

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Step 3: You’ll now see the effects screen. From the 4 effects here, tap on “Invisible Ink” and you’ll see a little preview there.

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Step 4: Tap on the blue “up” icon to send the message.

Try The Slam Effect As Well

I really like the Slam effect. Something about its annoying bounce just speaks to me.

What you’re favorite new effect in the Messages app? Share with us in the comments below.